Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8th

       Nothing special today, just completely bored out of my mind. I thought I'd be pretty excited to be home and not at work. Now, don't take my complaining wrong and think I'm not doing or don't want to do everything I possibly can for this baby-that would be a silly assumption. Anyone who knows me, knows I will fight for this baby. Just saying being at home on rest is not nearly as fun as everyone thinks :) especially when I don't have a single person to talk to. Except my dogs, and well... they don't really care to hear me all day they'd rather sleep.
    My mother in law visited me yesterday and bought me some cute maternity clothes. A really nice sundress and a pair of black pants, since today I had to do the rubber band thru the button hole trick on my current pair of jeans. I'm now down to one pair of jeans and dresses because I don't have any clothes. I guess it doesn't matter as the only public I will see will be the Dr.  

    I count down the hours until Derrick gets home or get excited when I get a phone call just so I can hear another human voice. I just started this and I only have hmmm 177 days to go. That would get me to full term, I really just need to get to Oct 23rd to be able to relax. Cerclage will come out Nov 27th. and if baby comes they will allow it. My pregnancy seemed to just fly by then the surgery has somewhat slowed it all down. It doesn't seem to move as fast as it was. First cervical length check is the 19th and I will be a ball of nerves that day. I need good news, no change in the cervix. I think I might puke before that appt.
    Well since I don't do much during the day, I don't have much to write about :) So maybe I'll take a nap to waste some time and let the baby rest♥

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