This miscarriage was probably the most traumatic thing I've encountered since the death of the girls. Both emotionally and physically. I'm trying to figure out a way to say my feelings without going into too much detail. So forgive me if I say too much. It's hard to describe feelings without sort of painting a picture. This is kind of my place to let my feelings out.
After we found out there was no longer a heartbeat I knew what my decision would be. In all my other miscarriages we always decided to go home and allow things to happen naturally. I'm too scared of having a d and c and don't want to take any pills to force things to happen. I'm not comfortable with either of those. Thankfully (and I say that because there really is no other word to use) my body seems to be able to do that ok. I'm rather angry that it seems my body has no trouble going through a miscarriage. It seems so much easier for my body to handle that, than it is to handle a pregnancy.
So we went home and waited for nature to take it's course. I took two days off of work because I just didn't want to deal with the public. The next day after my doctor's appointment, I felt the contractions start. I stood in the bathroom hunched over the sink breathing through each one. The contractions are painful and I was so physically and emotionally drained. My husband was at work and I knew how this would go so I didn't feel the need to bother him. Unless there was an emergency. My best friend had messaged me to see how I was doing and I texted her through the contractions. I didn't know I needed someone until I was already talking to her. Just someone to be with me to keep my mind from going insane. I believe it was 4 hours on and off of contractions. I thought everything was over, the contractions stopped and I was able to lay down. That was on Friday the 19th. I returned to work on Monday and felt physically ok. Still upset and devastated over the whole thing. Monday passed and then Tuesday. Tuesday, out of nowhere I lost the baby. I was completely stunned. I thought it happened Friday. I'm really trying not to go into too much detail here but I know what my eyes witnessed. It was both traumatizing and an eye opener.
I'm sharing this with you because there is something I want women to know. Through the tears and almost hyperventilating, all my emotions and devastation aside....I viewed something some people don't see. I think the world forgets or takes for granted how absolutely wonderful and beautiful it is that our bodies create humans. That from the moment of conception things happen so quickly, cells multiple, a heart develops and their little bodies form so quickly. How beautiful and what an honor it is to be able to carry a child. A child you created. For some, almost effortlessly. I want women to realize how amazing that is. I know it's normal to not think about it, it just happens. You get pregnant and without even thinking of how it really happens or what happens, a baby will most likely be born somewhere between 9 and 10 months later.
I don't know what the future holds for us. If life was perfect we'd have 2 little girls or 7 children. We don't and I don't know that we'll ever have any children. I just know my heart aches so bad right now for the baby that should have been. And what a gift it is to be breathing. I was formed inside my mother's womb. I see my mother in a different light as well as all women. What an amazing thing our bodies do. I think pregnant women should celebrate and really feel what they are going through and feel accomplished that their bodies can do this. Seriously, what an amazing thing! To have the ability to grow another human and give birth. I wish with all my heart that I could do it, normally without any issues. I would give anything to do so.
I'm still grieving and learning once again how to push forward. We've never had a miscarriage like this one. To see it on the ultrasound with a tiny flicker of a heartbeat and the next time it's not there. It doesn't help that something was wrong with baby and the little one just couldn't grow any further. You still had all the hopes and dreams for them, for the due date and time of year when things would be happening. It still hurts. It's still another little one that we had to let go. I had no idea it would be this painful. So once again we try to find little things to look forward to (though nothing really does the trick) and you find yourself letting tears fall through out the week. When you allow the pain to soak in. I really thought this was it. Yet again, it's too good to be true.
I know so many want me to be positive, to think "well at least I can get pregnant" but that isn't enough. Getting pregnant isn't enough, only when having a full term baby is the end result. Getting pregnant and losing them, is nothing to be positive about. I may not suffer from the infertility that once plagued us years ago, but we're still struggling to bring a baby home. And then you speak to your husband and you both realize your life is crap because no one would look at the two of you and say "I'd like their life" Not a chance. And though that's not what life is about, you do realize how shitty yours is. When no one else would want to walk in your shoes. And at this point, nothing will fix the past. Even a new baby won't replace what you've lost. You will always hurt, there will always be babies missing from family photos and events that happen in your life. There will always be two girls that my husband will never walk down the aisle, and I'll never help them get ready for school dances. Sometimes I do wish for a do over on life. To start from the beginning and hope for a different outcome. All I can do is hope there are enough good days ahead to help us pull through. Maybe someday there will be enough good days to make this life really worth it.
I'm trying hard to find something positive to hold on to but it truly isn't easy. I've never wanted or struggled for something so badly in my life. My only goal when I was younger was to be a mother. It really shouldn't be as hard as it feels like it is. So those of you that are fortunate enough to have your babies, look at them and marvel at what an accomplishment they are. It truly is amazing what a women's body can do. You should feel so proud. And even if they aren't your bio children, marvel in the fact that you are raising an amazing child that probably wouldn't have such a wonderful life if it wasn't for you. Mothers should be celebrated (and daddies too) You are lucky
I am so sorry. Its so amazing how a life is brought into the world and sadly most people take that fro granted.