Monday, March 26, 2012

A Must read!!!

I couldn't have said it better.
Something I have dealt with for 5 years. There are a few people in my life (family and friends) who refuse to call me a mother and therefore NEVER EVER wished me a happy mother's day or said a single word to me on that day. Making me feel like they don't recognize me as a mother. Something that is very important to me. A mother is born at the very moment she is aware that there is life inside her. I loved my children more than I could ever explain. I gave birth to them, watched them live for such a short time and then watched them take their last breath as my husband held them. No it isn't a happy day, far from it. But when you don't say anything to a childless mother, you make her feel even more alienated than she already feels. The blog below is very well written please take a moment to read it and acknowledge those that are without their children. Just because our children are not here doesn't mean we suddenly are no longer mothers. you can't take away that strong bond that we formed with our children. And when they passed we don't suddenly lose that title.

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