Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jubilee Shalom Duggar

 I just have to say my opinion on this topic because it drives me insane. I recently seen photos from this baby's memorial and I immediately felt scared for the parents. I was so worried they'd get negative comments back for sharing their photos. I also hate how people also have to WARN people before looking at them. Its not like its a huge bloody murder scene, it's a sweet little child born too soon. How could that be disturbing in any way? We were all at that stage of development at a point in our life too. I will never understand someone calling a photo of a baby disturbing.

I remember having a bake sale at Spanky's once and we had a photo of Emerson on the flyer. It was at the counter and I was sitting down in the chairs and a young couple was paying for their food when the guy looked down (not knowing I was the mother of that child) and said "that's just disturbing" I wanted to bawl my eyes out. He called my child disturbing. How could you look at her sweet face and call her disturbing? Why are they disturbing? My children looked the same when they were alive as they did when they passed away.  I will never understand close minded people without compassion or a heart. My heart breaks for the duggars. I don't care how many kids they have, its really not my business why they don't like birthcontrol or the even the fact of whether or not they use it. However, they are wonderful parents and no matter how many you have....a loss is a loss and hurts just the same. I was hoping them sharing their child with the world would open up the taboo issues with infant loss. I am, yet again ashamed at how most of the world treats this topic. How hard is it to put yourself in someone's shoes that has lost a child, and just imagine for a moment what you would feel like.

After having Evelie, I will no longer put warnings on my photos. She was beautiful, she was hope, she was love, she was happiness. I will not warn anyone of those things. I will share those things with you but I will not warn. I don't get photos that other mother's do, I have what I have and if I want to share. I will. So I ask that if you are reading this, take a second and think how you would feel if someone called your child disturbing. Think twice before judging someone and what they do in the name of grief.

My love and thoughts are with the Duggars and Ms. Jubilee Shalom, may you rest in peace sweet little girl <3

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